Robert Ambrogi's LawSites
fillTracking new and intriguing Web sites for the legal profession.

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Robert Ambrogi,
a lawyer
in Rockport, MA, is vice president for editorial services at Jaffe Associates and director of WritersForLawyers.

He is author of the book, The Essential Guide to the Best (and Worst) Legal Sites on the Web

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Wednesday, October 15, 2003
The future of legal technology
Also in the 10th anniversary issue of Law Technology News, I edited this piece, 1993-2013: The Future, the Past, collecting thoughts on the future of legal technology from an array of lawyers and legal professionals, among them such esteemed blawgers as Ron Friedman, Dennis Kennedy, Jerry Lawson, Joy London, Sabrina Pacifici, Rory Perry, Doug Simpson and Ernie Svenson.

The 10 best legal sites of the decade
Who could be so presumptuous as to do something so preposterous as pick the 10 best legal sites of the decade? I am afraid that would be me. But it was for good reason -- the 10th anniversary issue of Law Technology News. (You will need to register to read the article, but it's free.)