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Friday, July 09, 2004
Security hole found in Mozilla browser So no browser is perfect. Read: What Mozilla users should know about the shell: protocol security issue. Then install the patch or download the latest version. Thursday, July 08, 2004
Newly launched site tracks law school news U.S. Law Schools News Brief is a new Web site devoted to publishing the latest news releases from U.S. law schools nationwide. It includes an RSS feed. The site is a service of St. Thomas University School of Law, Miami, the same folks who bring you, which I wrote about in September 2003. Writer urges caution when citing to Internet From the New York Law Journal, via, comes Written on the Wind, an article urging caution when citing to the Internet in legal documents. The article is written by Ken Strutin, an attorney and the director of legal information services for the New York State Defenders Association in Albany. "The Internet is the proverbial river that you can never step in twice," Strutin writes. "Its fluid nature makes it frustrating when a cited source is no longer available." Wednesday, July 07, 2004
A common person's WordPerfect macro manual Jim Calloway, director of the Oklahoma Bar Association's Management Assistance Program, sent me a note about a useful Web resource. His note bears repeating here: Oklahoma lawyer Doug Loudenback has created a quite remarkable WordPerfect resource and placed it on the web for others to use at no charge. It is called A Common Person's WordPerfect Macro Manual and for those who use WordPerfect and want to automate your word processing a bit, it is quite the resource- 10 chapters and 192 pages, all in downloadable PDF files. Most lawyers will not want to become a WordPerfect macros expert like Doug. (He produces the Grande Macros, a amazing set of macros for family law and appellate practice that is for sale only to Oklahoma Bar Association members through my office.) But there are many times simple and easy-to-create macros can be used to speed up many daily tasks.Thanks for the pointer, Jim. LawSites named among 50 best blawgs I am honored to be included among the 50 best blawgs as selected by EDDix, a new research and publishing firm focusing exclusively on electronic data discovery. The listing of best blawgs is part of a beta launch of the EDDix Web site, which features categorized news pages and links to content at other sites relevant to electronic discovery. Tuesday, July 06, 2004
BriefMasters to close after death of founder I wrote an article last year about outsourced legal writing, and, in particular, about one legal writing company, BriefMasters. For that story, I interviewed BriefMasters' co-founder, Adam E. Quarles, and subsequently exchanged e-mails with him on various occasions. Thus, it was with sadness that I learned of Adam's death June 5 at the young age of 40 years, two days. The former BriefMasters Web site appears to be defunct, but a Google cache of the home page announces Adam's death and indicates that the company will most likely be dissolved. AALL annual meeting blog For anyone heading to Boston next week for the annual meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, be sure to check out the new AALL annual meeting blog. |